2021 Summer Hours
We are trying something new for the summer of 2021. From June 21, 2021 through September 17, 2021, we will be open Mon-Thu from 7:00am until 5:00pm. We will be closed Friday, Saturdays, and Sundays. We will also be closed on the following holidays:
Monday, May 31 (Memorial Day)
Monday, July 5 (Independence Day-observed)
Monday, September 6 (Labor Day)
We’ll still be open 40 hours per week, just with an altered set of hours.
Weekend Emergency Orders
If you need a last-minute order completed that we cannot get done by 5pm on Thursdays during the summer, a Weekend Emergency surcharge will be assessed. This will only be available if the following criteria are met:
- An employee is available to print the order
- We are able to receive all items needed to fulfil the order
Any weekend emergency orders will be taken on a space available, case-by-case basis. Not all requests will be honored. The fee for this service will be 2X the regular cost of the order. 100% of this surcharge will go to the employee(s) who come in on the weekends to fulfill the order.
To avoid this surcharge, plan ahead! Please note, that due to COVID-related supply chain issues and carrier delivery volumes, NO ORDERS ARE GUARANTEED TO ARRIVE TO OUR OFFICE ON TIME! These supply chain issues apply to both normal and weekend emergency orders.
Have a great summer!